الأحد، 22 أكتوبر 2017

Sixty points for the honest and free Christian

Sixty points for the honest and free Christian

Praise be to Allah the rightful god the most merciful and gracious, pray of Allah and peace be upon his messenger the envoy of mercy to mankind, and the last of prophets and messengers, and his family and companions.
In order to comply with the saying of the graceful Allah: "O People of the Book! come to common terms as between us and you: That we worship none but Allah; that we associate no partners with him; that we erect not, from among ourselves, Lords and patrons other than Allah." If then they turn back, say ye: "Bear witness that we (at least) are Muslims (bowing to Allah's Will)" (Aal-i-Imraan: 64), these are sixty points for those who love Jesus, peace be upon him, and wanted to follow him, for who loved and follow him is the true believer, these points state that who truly follows Jesus and believes him has to embrace the religion of his brother Mohammed peace be upon them.

I simplified these sixty points and backed them up with evidence in the book titled (We all love Jesus, peace be upon him,), thus; these are evident to the mind of the sincere and free Christian who refuse to abide his ideals with no clear basis and to risk his eternal fate by following the religion of Paul which itfake is made apparent. For every Christian who strive to eternal felicity, take on to the road of the righteous Muslims.

1. Islam is the religion of truth and is the only religion acceptable to Allah: "If anyone desires a religion other than Islam (submission to Allah), never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter He will be in the ranks of those who have lost (All spiritual good)" (Aal-i-Imraan: 85).
2. Da'wa (missionary activity) of all the prophets are one, which is to warn people from Polytheism and invite them to monotheism, and to glorifyAllah.
3. Whoever follows Jesus, peace be upon him, he is basically a Muslim.
4. The mission of Jesus, peace be upon him, was distorted until it became a new religion, and one of those who distorted and changed it was Saul of Tarsus, known as Paul, and Constantine I the heathen  Roman Emperor.
5.One of the reasons for predecessors of Christians weakness is the persecution and oppression the pagans offered them.
6. Christianity went through five stages:
First: the stage of Jesus's mission, and this was the righteous and divine call for the Oneness of Allah, and affirmation of Jesus, peace be upon him, being worshipper of Allah and messenger from him.
Second: the stage of the ascension of Jesus, peace be upon him, to Allah, and the trials to the disciple of Christ and his followers to test their faith, after that the leaders of Christians became ignorant with no link to Jesus’s original religion and faith. This was the start of muddling the truth of Christianity with fabrications and falsity, with a minority of righteous Christians who were steadfast and unwavering on their truth, but they were persecuted until the year (55 AD) .
Third: (55 _ 326 AD) This stage revolves around their concealment of their religion to escape the oppression of Jews and Pagans of Rome, their sufferings were beyond words!
Fourth: (326 _ 610 AD) This stage extends from the council of Nicaea in which Constantine permitted the pagan doctrine of the philosopher  Athanasius, and resulted in the first uniform Christian doctrine, called the Nicene Creed, and submit the authority to the Church, until the mission of Prophet Mohammed peace be upon him which is revoking all religions precedents to it.
Fifth: (610 AD) This stage began with the Da'wa (mission) of Mohammed peace be upon him, it involves nullifying Christianity and the obligation for every follower of faith (Christians included) to convert to Islam.

7.There are significant differences among the main churches of Christianity and a great deal of diversity among denominations within each church, and they condemn one another as unbelievers. This diversity and contradiction has been originated from the fabrications of the Bible's different versions, and the ambitions of churches' leaders
8.The Bible, in its old and new testaments, hasbeen distorted and changed deliberately by its writers (scribes). There are so many evidences of this distortion, some of which are related to the Old Testament:
❖ Writers of the books are unknown.
❖ The Bible declares that it was changed.
❖ Mentioning Moses peace be upon him in the third person.
❖ Scripts cannot be traced back to their origins.
❖ There are many differences and contradictions between the available copies.
❖ Many verses and records are deleted and lost.
❖ Versions contain a lot of redundancy.
❖ Versions contain false doctrines and disrespect of God and his prophets.
❖ accusing prophets of blasphemy and filth.
❖ low level of moral teachings and obscenity.
❖ The holiness of the Bible to them is claimed not original.
❖ Scholars of the scriptures certify the interpolations of the Bible.
❖ rooting ignorance and tardiness, and opposing science and    education.
❖ Many of its stories were taken from different nations and peoples.
❖ Mythology proves its interpolation.

Evidences of interpolating the New Testament:
❖ What is mentioned above about the Old testament applies to New testament for the known close relation between them.
❖ the high controversies among Christians in determining the authenticity of the gospels.
❖ All Gospels available now are not written in the language of Jesus, peace be upon him,.
❖ All approved books and gospels were notwritten in the days of Jesus peace be upon him.
❖ The Gospels are attributed to disciples and followers not to Jesus himself peace be upon him.
❖ cease of references.
❖ Gospels writers are not disciples of Jesus peace be upon him.
❖ Most of the New testament material isattributed to Paul and his disciples not to Jesus peace be upon him.
❖ These Gospels mention many events that took place after the reign of Jesus peace be upon him.
❖ these Gospels direct to a Gospel which belongs to Jesus, peace be upon him, and refer to it.
❖ the New Testament has been transferred by writing only not by memorizing, and the existence of interpolating was confessed.
❖ the Gospels were sometimes declared not to be revealed.
❖ the sheer amount of contradictions and differences are common in authorized Gospels.
❖ NT contains ugly metaphors of the Almighty Allah.
❖ NT includes paganism which can be evident in many instances such as:
1. The Vatican is built on the pagan temple mithra, where similar religion rituals take place.
2. Similarities are found in the Christiancreeds of Jesus’s divinization, trinity,crucifixion, redemption, salvation and baptism with such old pagan religions as in pharaonicEgypt, Greek and Roman Mithra and in Hinduism, Buddhism and Babylonianreligions.
3. It is based on the philosophical and metaphysical ideas of the Romans and pagans.
4. The clear pagan symbolism like the Sun, the snake and the cross.
❖ The evidence of monotheism in the Bible denounces the contents of divinization of creatures in the New Testament.
❖ The presence of monotheistic denominations like ArianismAcacianism and monotheistic books like the manuscripts of the Nag Hammadi, the Gospel of Thomasthe Gospel of Barnabas and the Gospel of Judas.
❖ legalizing wines in the New Testament.
❖ Denunciation of the Mosaic Law.
❖ incompatibility with the Old Testament in the articles of doctrine, laws and stories.
❖ legislation of bloodshed and cruelty.
❖ contempt and humiliation of women.
❖ lack of confidence in the integrity of the writers of gospels. The reasons for this are:
1 forged documents.
2 love for authority, deception and bribery.
3 greed and love of the worldly pleasures and luxury.
4 treason and nepotism.
5 injustice, cruelty, brutality and bloodshed.
6 immorality and moral corruption.
❖ Plagiarism is clear in the Bible.

9. Deification of Jesus, peace be upon him, is a fabricated lie. Jesus is completely innocent of it, here is the evidence:
❖ Christ was not reported to describe himself as divine except for only one text forged in the Gospel of John, but in the other Gospels he described himself as a human 83 times.
❖ the word (Son of God) was mentioned a lot in the Bible Testaments, and it was  attributed to many human beings, thus it means faith in God, as mentioned in the Gospel of John itself.
❖ the texts of the descent of Christ from heaven in the New Testament mean the descent of his doctrine and law not his physical descent.
❖ the saying of Christ peace be upon him, "I am not of this world" means that he was above the earthly inclinations of life.
❖ We cannot take for granted the authenticity of describing Jesus as God in the Bible. It can be an interpolation or a distortion.
❖ Some of the meanings of the word God in the terminology of the Old and New Testamentwere "master" and "teacher", and "God" was a Roman expression to describe whoever did something good for others.
❖ Many have been described in the Bible as gods, and the meaning was those who serve their peoplethough we question the authenticity of these descriptions.
❖ The citations in the Old Testament about the coming king, and those glad tidings, do not apply to Christ at all, and they do not contain any sense of divinity.
❖ Christian clergymen admit the many metaphors in the Gospel of John, and that they should not be taken literally.
❖ Attributing divinity to Christ is an insult to the Almighty Allah as it implies polytheism and other implications as Christ lived the same way humans did, eating and sleeping etc., practices that contradict the status of God.
❖ Attributing divinity to Christ is also a revilement to the Lord of the Worlds by imputing wife and birth above which God should be exalted.
❖ The texts of the accompaniment of Christ to his followers is meant to be metaphoricali.e. he is always present by his Gospel and evangel.
❖ The phrase "Christ, the image of God" was only reported from Paul, and he did not witness a glimpse of Christ, and one of its meanings  may be "the Apostle reporting religion and revelation to people."
❖ As for the incidents of prostration to Christ- if authentic, it was authorized in their doctrine as a practice of respect, as mentioned in many texts of the Old Testament.
❖ The texts about the eternal Christ is meant to represent the eternal knowledge of God to elect Christ, and this is not limited to him.
❖ The opening of the Gospel of John " In the beginning was the word" was plagiarized from Phylon Iskandarani’s book.
❖ The word "beginning" does not necessarily mean eternity, but rather the beginning of anything in itself.
❖ Jesus being "the word of God" is true, but it is not exclusive to him, for God's Words are unlimited. Describing him as the word of God shows his precedence not his divinity, like the house of God and land of God, and so on.
❖ Jesus being "the Spirit of God" is also true, but this is not limited to him, Gabriel peace be upon him has been described as the spirit of God also, and this does not necessarily indicate deification.
❖ There are plain texts in several paragraphs in the two testaments which state clearly that God is the only Creator.
❖ The meaning of the phrase "God created by Jesus"- if authentic- means that he led people towards the true path as did messengers and reformers.
❖ The Gospels claim the inability of Christ peace be upon him to resist crucifixion, death and insult. While we disbelieve in his crucifixion but for the sake of argument, it denies the divinity of Jesus.
❖ Christ peace be upon him, declared a clear statement that he will not condemn or judge anyone.
❖ Christ peace be upon him declared that believing in him is the cause of forgiveness of sins, not that he gives forgiveness.
❖ The miracles of Christ peace be upon him indicate the validity of his message and his prophecy not his divinity, as applies to all the prophets who were given miracles some of which might exceed those of Christ peace be upon them.
❖ Christ was not the only one to be born without a father, Adam peace be upon him as well as Eve were too, and there are others mentioned in the Old Testament like myth Melchizedek.
❖ The Bible states that some of the prophets brought people back from the dead, like Elijah and Elisha, and there were even non-prophets like Simon Peter.
❖ Bringing life to inanimate objects like the stick of Moses is more amazing than reviving human beings, and this was not given to Jesus peace be upon them.
❖ The miracle of prophecies was not exclusive to Jesus, there were prophets who also had prophecies like Jacob and Samuel and Elijah peace be upon them. This is evidence of prophecy not divinity.
❖ The miracle of dominating demons and driving them out does not mean divinity, it is not even limited to prophets.
❖ There are clear texts in the NT that indicatehis human nature and being a worshiper ofAllah, and his Messenger, and the deny his divinity.

10. The deification of Christ is precedent to the Trinity and the three persons.
11. The doctrine of the Trinity is pagan creed.
12.  The distorted (Pauline) Christianity did not believe in Trinity until 381 AD after the conference of Constantinople, which allegedly claimed the divinity of the Holy Spirit.
13.  Doctrine of the Trinity is impossible to be conceived because of its contradictions.
14. Trinity is invalidated:
      1 all Trinity doctrine is based on the invalid claims of deification of Christ. 
     2 it is based on old pagan beliefs.
      3 it impossible according to reason and imagination.
      4 it did not spread by the persuasion but by the sword and power.
      5 the sources are not trustworthy as they are interpolated Gospels.
      6 Gospels are full of texts stating the oneness of Allah the Almighty.
      7 Gospels are full of texts stating the humannature of Christ.
      8 None of the prophets mentioned trinity
15. Doctrine of salvation and atonement and redemption is void and was forged from paganism.
16. People are born pure without any sins, not as the distorted Christianity claim that all people are carrying the burden of their father Adam peace be upon him- who returned after the acceptance of repentance better than before his guilt.
17. Real atonement will be after the mercy of God by repenting and seeking forgiveness, and good deeds.
18. True salvation is Islam, and to fulfil the two declarations of faith literary and in meaning.
19. Doctrine of the crucifixion is void religiously and historically:
❖ the story of crucifixion was reproduced along the lines and details of the previous pagan folk tales as it is following the same scenario of crucifying Baal who is worshipped by the Babylonians, as well as Brosius in the Caucasus, as well as Hercules for the Romans, the Buddha for the Indians, and Mithra for the Persians and others.
❖ criticism of the evangelical reports of the crucifixion incident shows that it was fabricated.
❖ the evangelical criticism of the narrations of the Resurrection incident shows it was fabricated as well.
❖ the implicit criticism of the narrations of crucifixion generally requires the free thinker and equitable historian to deny it.
❖ There are many Christians who deny crucifixion.
❖ the prophecies of the Bible and the Old Testament indicate the escape of Christ fromcrucifixion.
❖ The crucifixion phrases in the Gospels are added to the Gospels, and were spurious on it.
❖ There are severe contradictions in the story of crucifixion among the four Gospels.
❖ the enormous Abilities given by God to Christ as mentioned in the Gospels should enable him to escape crucifixion by Allah's will, as he was able to escape more dangerous incidents.
❖ Upon analyzing the doctrine of sin, atonement and redemption through crucifixion it becomes clear for its opposition to reason, logic and common sense, and to the basic teachings of the Bible. We have mentioned thirty proofs to disprove this doctrine.
20. Major doctrines like deification of Christ,Trinity, salvation and other heretical ritualsresulted in false sub-doctrines like baptism,Eucharist, Lord's Supper, Holy Chrism, sanctification of the cross, reverence on Sunday etc.
21. The Christians abandoned the way Christ peace be upon him was praying where he was bowing and prostrating, and contented themselves with some prayers and hymns, and did not make it an obligation to public.
22. Fasting in Christianity is optional and not compulsory, it is not a real fast as in the Islamic concept, but it is to refrain from eating for a limited time and then restricting on types of food free of animal fat.
23. The true religion and the straight path is Islam.
24.The Last Testament is the Holy Qur'an in the sense that it is annulling the heavenly books before it and dominating over them.
25. The last of prophets is the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.
26. God singled out the nation of Muhammad peace be upon him with the great properties and honorable privileges qualitatively and quantitatively over other nations.
27. The greatest miracle and sign of the prophecy of Muhammad peace be upon him is the Holy Quran.
28. One evidence of the prophecy of Muhammad peace be upon him is the prophecies in the Old and the New Testament.
29. Although large numbers of revelations of Christ and quotations about the prophet of Islam by name and description had undergone a lot of distortion Invidiously,  some remained apparent and some hidden.
30. The nation of Muhammad peace be upon him had been described the best descriptions in the Bible.
31:The holy land of Mecca and the Kaaba, and the feelings of Hajj rituals  have been described beautifully in the Bible.
32:The disciples of Christ peace be upon him as related in the New Testament did not understand the revelations of Christ about Muhammad peace be upon him.
33: In the Gospels unrecognized like the Gospel of Barnabas Muhammad's name and descriptions were frankly mentioned and repeated.
34: The Gospel of Barnabas is the closer Gospel to the truth, it is more compatible with the mission of Christ peace be upon him.
35: The Gospel of Barnabas has encompassed things that are not valid for Christ peace be upon him, however, it remains the closest to his lost Gospel.
36: Many of the Jewish and Christian scholars over the centuries approved Muhammad peace be upon him to be the Messenger of Allah,.
37: Many orientalists and researchers who studied Arabic and Islam converted to Islam because they were splendid by its facts.
38:The true Christian is the one who believes in the message of Christ peace be upon him and the message of Muhammad peace be upon him and embraces the religion of Islam.
39: All the prophets agree on the basics of faith and monotheism but they differ in laws andcustoms, and Islam is characterized by combining the doctrine of Islam and Sharia.
40: Signs of the prophecy of Muhammad peace be upon him are so many, they exceed 1400 proofs. He was given signs supreme to those of other prophets quantitatively and qualitatively.
41:One of the signs of his prophecy is telling of unseen details in the distant past, far future, and the absent present.
42: One of the signs of his prophecy is his competence and the ability to  influence, and it has nine types:
❖ in the upper Signs are the cleavage of the moon.
❖ signs of the atmosphere as rainfalls and victory by wind.  
❖ His influence on animals, mankind, and jinn-by Allah's will and filling their hearts with his love.
❖ his influence on the trees, stones and inanimate objects. Trees, stones and mountains admitted his message, and the famous story of the tree trunk yearning and longing to him, and water spurting from between his fingers.
❖ the multiplication of food and water for his Blessed supplication so that little water is enough for (1400) humans.
❖ The stones harnessing to him, when he ordered Ohud mountain to stable and it abate and so did Hera mountain.
❖ Allah the Almighty aided him with the honorable angels in Badr and Ohud and Hunain and others.
❖ Allah the Almighty saved him from his enemies and protected him from the people.
❖ His supplications are  answered peace be upon him.

43: Of the signs of his prophecy may Allah bless him were his noble qualities and beautiful morals, and his personality was Integrate with his visage and his manners.
44: In actuation to embrace Islam it is enough to observe its amenities for there is no other religion more faithful, complete and suitable than Islam, and we have mentioned thirty elements of its merits.
45: Islam is powerful in repelling suspicions and clear them, and in building firm doctrines.
46: Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him did not marry a second wife until the death of Khadijah and reaching his fifties, and all those whom he married were widows or older women except Aisha, God bless them, there is no logic in accusing him of lust.
47: Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him is sent to (jinn and mankind) not to the Arabs only.
48: Islam was spread by its harmony, integrity of its morals, clarity of its evidences, and the good treatment of its missionaries , not by the sword as sometimes claimed.
49:The religion spread by the sword and oppression is the forged (Pauline) Christianity not Islam.
50: The Islamic law contains the perfection of justice.
51:The  Islamic law is valid for every time and place.
52: Islam protected women's rights and granted them honor.
53: There is no document in human history that protects the rights of women and children, the weak and the poor, and animals more completelythan the Holy Quran.
54: If you observe the facts and aspects of rights of women, children, animals, workers, and prisoners, and the practical applications thereof, your will know that Muslims were second to none.
55: Muslims will be glad to see a new brother embracing Islam. They would consider him their identical brother in rights and obligations, and they are always doing their best to call humanity to Islam.
56: Whoever embraces Islam would win Muhammad, Christ and all the other prophets peace be upon them, but who refuses to believe would lose them all and himself also.
57: Muslims are responsible for the heavy task and great and honor of calling non-Muslims to Islam with good advice and kind words. Allahpromises great rewards for that.
58: Islam aims to emancipate of slaves, it has opened so many doors for that.
59: Whenever Muslim arms himself with loyalty, knowledge and patience, s/he will overpower all other claims.
60: Allah the Almighty sanctifies himself from what the transgressors accuse him of, and praises the messengers who described him as befits him, He said Exalted be He: "And watch (how they fare) and they soon shall see (how thou farest). Glory to thy Lord, the Lord of Honour and Power! (He is free) from what they ascribe (to Him). And Peace on the messengers. And Praise to Allah, the Lord and Cherisher of the Worlds" [Saaffaat 179 182.]
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, may blessing of Allah and peace be upon Muhammad and his family and companions.

Ibrahim Aldumaiji
15/ 4/ 1434